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1969a Japan Dog Food Industry Association was established.
1960 The Japanese pet food industry and market was formed during the 1960s after Japan’s first dog food was developed in 1960, and several companies started activities to manufacture and sell pet foods. The Japan Dog Food Industry Association was established in October 1969.
1975 The association changed its name to Japan Pet Food Industry Association.
The name was changed in 1975 after it became necessary to expand the food categories for all pets and revise the regulations for the association with the growth of cat as well as dog food markets in the 1970s.
1983 Reorganized into Pet Food Industry Association
The main role and activities of the Japan Pet Food Industry Association was to report the industry’s intentions concerning tariff problems as a consultative organization to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. But with the promotion and development of the Japanese pet industry, the association was moved by the demands of member companies and from the pet industry in general to engage in activities that would give the association a leadership role in the contributions it makes to the industry. Thus, it was revised in 1983 into the Pet Food Industry Association under new articles of association, board of directors and action policies. The association requested its member companies to enhance product quality and secure product safety by enforcing strict accountability as manufacturers. And by showing this posture not only to the pet industry but to the general public, the association made its contributions toward forming and developing a fair pet industry and market while enhancing the name recognition of the pet industry.
1984 Published and distributed booklet “The Correct Way to Keep Dogs and Cats.”
1987 Decide Dog Day, Cat Day.
1991 Supply aid materials to pets victimized by volcanic eruption of Mount Unzen-Fugen.
1993 Produce and distribute video program on “The Correct Way to Keep and Discipline Dogs”
1994 Announce survey on the number of dogs and cats kept in Japan. (Every year thereafter)
1995 Relief activities to animals victimized by the Great Earthquake of Hanshin-Awaji.
1996 “Manual on Food Additives and Feed Additives” completed.
1998 Establish Japan Pet Nutritional Society.
1999 Publish 30 Year History of Pet Industry.
2001 Revise “Fair Competition Regulations on Pet Food Labels”.
Establish traceability system and inspect safety of pet food products following the BSE outbreak.
2002 Open Internet site.
2003 Start certification system for pet nutritionists.
2004 Supply relief supplies to animals victimized by the torrential rain and the Niigata Chuetsu earthquake in Niigata prefecture.
2006 Complete “Manufacturing Standards for Safe Pet Foods”.
2007 Complete “Additives Manual for Pet Food Labels”.
Cooperative activities for the research committee on securing safe pet foods.
While the Pet Food Industry Association had unilaterally compiled voluntary standards for securing safe pet foods and operated and complied by these standards for many years, a movement was fostered in July 2007 to legislate the standards. With the cooperation of the government and industry the movement culminated in the enactment of the “Laws Concerning the Securing of Safety for Pet Foods (Pet Food Safety Law)” in May 2008 and was enforced in June 2009.
2009 Revised to incorporated association, Japan Pet Food Association
In order to strengthen the structure and activities for securing the safety of pet foods and to assume a leadership role in this endeavor, our association was changed from a voluntary organization to an incorporated association on April 2009, with its name changed to Japan Pet Food Association.